Bringing the dawn chorus back to Maungakiekie

Recently the Envirotools team were up in Auckland for the launch of the Maungakiekie songbird project. It was a day well spent engaging with the community, providing and demonstrating their traps.

The goal of the community-based initiative is to create a thriving habitat in and around Maungakiekie (one tree hill). It aims to achieve this through actively supporting the habitat by providing residents, including schools and local businesses, in the surrounds of Maugakiekie with trapping tools to clear their property of predators.

Envirotools were approached by the project co-ordinators to supply the traps for their project. User-friendly and suitable for community use, the Supervisor Max and Flipping Timmy possum trap were selected to provide rat, mouse and possum control.

The launch on the 17th October brought together neighbouring residents who, once registered, were eligible for a set of traps as well as a bird feeder and native plants to further enhance the habitat their backyard provides.

The team enjoyed the enthusiasm of the residents which they interacted with during the project launch. They are looking forward to seeing the native habitat of Maungakiekie be enhanced by this project.

The Maungakiekie project gives thanks to:
The Cornwall Park Trust Board and Tūpuna Maunga Authority, the two administrators of Cornwall Park and Maungakiekie/One Tree Hill.
Sponsors - Auckland Council, the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board, and the Department of Conservation.